
One of the early and most important differentiators of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 approach to education has been its use of Practitioner Faculty – faculty who are working professionals who teach in addition to their engagement in the professional area related to their courses. Staying current in their profession enables faculty to relate course content and the learning objectives or skills learned in the courses directly to real-world examples where these objectives or skills are applied. Faculty may make the connection between course content and real-world problem solving through the weekly discussions in the classroom or through the feedback they provide students on assessments.

Educators contend that the more faculty share examples of how the concepts and skills addressed in class may show up in a work setting, the better students may be able to take these new learnings and skills and apply them in their own work settings or lives. The assumption that Practitioner Faculty share their professional experiences in the classroom and that students benefit from this teaching method has been insufficiently tested (Vaidya et al., 2021).


Our Study at the Center for 教育al and Instructional Technology Research (CEITR)

Our research team at the Center for 教育al and Instructional Technology Research (CEITR) recently investigated the extent of the relationship between the student’s perception relating to faculty connecting course content to student’s real-world experience.

The study used a survey to ask faculty in a defined set of courses in the College of 业务 and IT about the ways in which they connect course content to real-world scenarios and the degree to which they share examples from their own professional experiences. The research team took these results and explored whether there is a relationship between the faculty responses and student responses to two questions addressing career-relevance on the Student-End-of-Course-Survey (SEOCS). 


Enhancing faculty and student interaction with respect to real-life experiences can improve student learning outcomes and enhance employment opportunities, as employers expect graduating adult learners to have acquired skills applicable to today’s workplace.



This study found that though business school faculty indicated they shared personal experiences with students, 尽管接受调查的学生一致认为,这些经历是共同的, students do not feel these experiences enhance their learning or could be applied in their personal careers. 这些发现引发了研究人员的其他问题, 比如“分享了哪些经验。?、“这些经历与推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜相关吗??、“这些经验是及时和最新的吗??”, and “Are the experiences being delivered in a way that the students can receive them effectively?”. Kyrousi (2022) explored the generational gaps between faculty (Baby Boomers and Millennials) and students (older Millennials, Y世代,现在是X世代). Consumption of knowledge in younger generations is less from reading and lectures and more from short videos, 博客, 社交媒体上的帖子.  This difference between delivery and receiving methods of information may be contributing toward this disconnect. 

A study that includes and examines the effectiveness of multiple delivery methods for faculty to share practical, real-life experiences over a larger sample size of faculty and students would be a logical next step to determine the most effective methods. If future educators are to be successful and maximize the benefit of students taking a course for their careers, 这些方法需要更好地理解和优化. Enhancing faculty and student interaction with respect to real-life experiences can improve student learning outcomes and enhance employment opportunities, as employers expect graduating adult learners to have acquired skills applicable to today’s workplace.  沟通 methods between faculty and students may need to be better aligned, 这是值得探索的. Given there continues to be a mismatch between job seekers and skills required by employers for open jobs (Gabrielova & Buchko, 2021), a better alignment of communication between faculty and students to enhance their employability would also benefit employers. 



推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. (2023). 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. http://3yb.hzjly.net/about/philosophy.html

Gabrielova K. & Buchko,. (2021). Z世代来了:千禧一代成为管理者. 商业视野,64岁(2). http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2021.02.013

Kyrousi,. G.E., & Leivadi,年代. (2022). 业务 employability for late millennials: Exploring the perceptions of generation Z students and generation X faculty. 管理研究评论,45(5), 664–683. http://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-04-2021-0328

Vaidya R.普拉萨德,K., & Mangipudi, M. (2021). An empirical study of academic staff performance with and without industry work experience and their effectiveness in teaching, learning and research in the faculty of business administration: A comparative analysis concerning Indian universities. 土耳其在线定性研究杂志,12(4),1029 -1041.

Dr. 大卫·艾肯


Dr. David (Dave) Aiken has been with the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 College of 业务 and 信息技术 since 2003 in Associate and Lead Faculty, 主题专家, 以及在线和校园形式的教师评估职位. Dave has extensive industry experience in Electronics Design and 信息技术 and specializes in helping multinational organizations with their communication and collaboration challenges.  戴夫拥有瓦尔登大学国际商务博士学位, 佩珀代因大学MBA学位, 获得The University of Rochester的电气和计算机工程学士学位, NY.